Tag: migration
Latinx Pride in Lateinamerika Rebelde Queer
🌈 Vierte Welle Film Festival, in collaboration with Lateinamerika Rebelde, proudly presents Latinx Pride in Frankfurt! In its third edition, “Latin America Rebelde Queer” in Frankfurt am Main celebrates life and resilience, from music to everyday experiences in Latin American communities.We are all builders of an inclusive, diverse, cosmopolitan society free from hate. Here, we…
Ni una menos
✨ On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Vierte Welle Film Festival stands in solidarity by presenting *Luchadoras*, a powerful 2021 Mexican documentary by Paola Calvo and Patrick Jasim that highlights the resilience of women confronting gender-based violence. 🎥 *Luchadoras*🎬 Directed by Paola Calvo & Patrick Jasim🌎 Country: Mexico📅 Year: 2021📽️…
Call for Volunteers
🎬 Join the Vierte Welle Film Festival Team! We are looking for volunteers to be part of the team for the 5th edition of the Vierte Welle Film Festival. We need the support of professionals with a passion for cinema and academic experience, particularly in feminist, queer, and marginalized communities’ representation, in the areas of…
Submissions are now open for VWFF5
For the fifth edition of our festival, we are rethinking the names of our categories to reach broader audiences, while still focusing on shared struggles across diverse groups and keeping the festival’s feminist and queer spirit alive. For 2025, our categories are: 🌈 QUEER (ex Trans Lives Matter): Queer and FLINTA+ stories that celebrate diversity…
Latinx Pride
Latinx Pride es una muestra de cortometrajes que se realizará los días 11, 18 y 25 de julio en la ciudad de Berlín. Es un evento realizado en el marco de Vierte Welle Film Festival y surge como un espacio para celebrar las voces que han sido históricamente silenciadas y que tiene como objetivo compartir,…