Until the end of the world
Country: Colombia / Brazil
This film was a ritual attempt to heal the colonial pains, those open wounds that still hurt us all, human and nonhuman: natures of Abya Yala.
Director: Kiki Febriyanti
Production: Kiki Febriyanti
Country: Indonesia
Menstruation is still taboo. When she feels awkward to buy “bread”, misunderstanding happens.
Director: Juliana Moreira Streva
Production: Juliana Moreira Streva
Country: Brasil
Skin, flesh, corpus, identity, violence | crossing the borders of Berlin to Brazil, carne is an audiovisual denounce of the political extermination committed against black, indigenous, women and LGBTQ+ people, during the presidential elections for Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, 2018. the videoart is a corporeal scream for self-care, resistance and articulation.
Coffin Decolleté
Director: Nancy Kamal
Production: CEOSS
Country: Egypt
Minor girl noticed wedding preparations in her home. She is shocked because she did not expect to be the bride.
Eclipse de Kreeh
Director: Violeta Mal
Production: Violeta Mal
Country: Norway
In 1964, at Lake Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego, Anne Chapman meets Lola Kiepja and Angela Loij. Lola sings, Angela translates and Anne records the chamana’s songs on a tape recorder. The last Selk’nam shaman.
Women standing by
Director: Larissa Rojas
Production: Yuria Rojas
Country: Mexico
In March 2019 women from all around the world met for the second time aiming to share, organize and heal among themselves. And again, they share this light that shines the world.
Director: Mayra Nieva
Production: Nahuel Carlos Almada
Country: Argentina
In1980, in a village in the valleys of Jujuy, Argentina, a transgeder woman, is called up for military service.
Director: Gamze Yücelşen
Production: Eyüpsultan Film Academy
Country: Turkey
Havva Dere is a 14-year-old girl who is married. Despite the difficulties of life, she never lost hope. She always wanted to go to school. This film tells the story of accomplishing this desire. True story.
#intersectionalfeminism #african #blackunity #blackqueen#blackfeminist #muslimfeminists #muslimskfeminist #muslimfeminist #hijabeeart #feminismdoesntmeanmisandry #equalnotbetter